Description de l'entreprise
ZZ Construction Ltd. specializes in the distribution and installation of European windows and doors to homeowners in Calgary and across Canada. We are also certified by the NCTL (National Certified Testing Laboratories Inc.) to supply and install windows and doors on new-building projects, in both the residential and commercial sectors.ZZ Construction Ltd. is the leading supplier of exterior cladding systems across Calgary, Airdrie, Okotoks, High River and Chestermere areas. Our attention to detail and excellent customer care makes us leaders in the field. Don’t take chances with a amateurs or one-man bands. At ZZ Construction Ltd. we employ only highly qualified plastering applicators with many years of trade experience. We are a BBB Business since 2009 with an A+ rating.
Companie d'assurance:AVIVA
Numéro de police d'assurance:81793169
Services et régions
- Cabanon
- Gouttières
- Insonorisation
- Isolation - Extérieur
- Margelle
- Portes & Fenêtres - Fournir et installer
- Rénovations - Local Commercial/Bureau
- Rénovations extérieures
- Revêtement extérieur
- Soffites/Fascias
- Vitrerie
- Calgary - NE
- Calgary - NW
- Calgary - SE
- Calgary - SW
- Canmore et les environs (Division #15)
- Foothills
- Hanna et les environs (Division #4)
- Rocky Mountain House et les environs (Division #9)
- Rocky View
- Strathmore et les environs (Division #5)
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