POBox6R Site 4, Airdrie, AB, T4B 2A4
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Description de l'entreprise
Black River Contracting is an Earthworks contractor that services Calgary and surrounding area. We have been working on different projects for over a decade and have confidence that we can deliver a quality product on time for you.
We offer the following services:
• Demolition
• Excavation and Backfill
- Additions to new foundations for both Residential and commercial settings
- Detail work around grade beams and piles caps
• Underground service tie-ins (Water/Sani/Storm)
• Site Grading including slap preps
• Supply and installation of ICF Foundations
• Acreage development
• Lane-way and approach development with culvert install
• Septic Installation Certified
• Material delivery (aggregate and soil)
Companie d'assurance:Black River Contracting Inc
Numéro de police d'assurance:3370416
Services et régions
- Aménagement Paysager - Arbres/Haies
- Aménagement Paysager - Béton
- Aménagement Paysager - Complet
- Aménagement Paysager - Excavation
- Aménagement Paysager - Muret
- Aménagement Paysager - Pavage
- Aménagement Paysager - Pavé-uni
- Aménagement Paysager - Pergola
- Aménagement Paysager - Tourbe
- Aménagement Paysager - Transport
- Construction de maison
- Démolition
- Drain Français
- Fondation - Coffrage
- Fondation - Complet
- Fondation - Excavation
- Fondation - Fissures
- Fondation - Imperméabilisation
- Fosse septique - Entretien
- Fosse septique - Installation
- Géothermie
- Levage de maison
- Margelle
- Pieux
- Ponceau
- Puits artésiens
- Calgary - NE
- Calgary - NW
- Calgary - SE
- Calgary - SW
- Canmore et les environs (Division #15)
- Foothills
- Hanna et les environs (Division #4)
- Red Deer et les environs (Division #8)
- Rocky Mountain House et les environs (Division #9)
- Rocky Mountain House et les environs (Division #9)
- Rocky View
- Strathmore et les environs (Division #5)
- Wainwright et les environs (Division #7)
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